
Dr. Vitumbiko Chinoko

Project Manager, African Agricultural Technology Foundation (AATF), Kenya

Vitumbiko Chinoko holds a Bachelor of Education – Science (BEd.Sc) (Spatial Development and Physical Geography), from Chancellor College of the University of Malawi and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with majors in Corporate Strategy and International Business from the Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA), in Durban, South Africa. He is an accomplished rural development specialist, campaigner and advocate with over 10 years of working with communities on climate adaptation and mitigation and influencing global, regional and national policy and practice on climate change and sustainable socio-economic development. While at Christian Aid, he commissioned the country’s inaugural budget analysis on climate change to determine Government of Malawi’s commitment to climate change adaptation and disaster risk management. The report was instrumental in raising awareness on climate change and facilitated evidence-based engagement with Members of Parliament (MPs), the Executive and technocrats on the need increase investment in climate change through the national budget. He previously, worked with ACT Alliance, where he coordinated an international climate change policy influencing strategy and designed and implemented a global campaign to influence a pro-poor outcome on climate change adaptation, loss and damage, climate finance and emissions reductions from the historic the Paris Climate Conference in 2015. Before joining AATF Vitumbiko worked for CARE USA, where he coordinated a CARE USA investment opportunity; Impact Growth Strategy (IGS), an advocacy and influencing programme for Southern Africa on Food Security, Nutrition and Climate Change. At CARE USA, Vitumbiko developed a Pan-African Advocacy and Influencing Strategy that focused at influencing Governments to implement the Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth And Transformation for Shared Prosperity And Improved Livelihoods’s Commitments on Food Security, Nutrition and Climate Change as expressed in their respective National Agriculture Investments Plans (NAIPs). He facilitated the establishment of East and Southern Africa CSO SUN Network and coordinated the development of the first ever Nutrition Investment Report by 9 selected Governments in East and Southern Africa. He also established the Southern Africa Climate Smart Alliance (SACSA) under the Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance (ACSAA). Vitumbiko is a member of CAADP Non-State Actors Coalition (CNC), a CSO platform that coordinates all advocacy and influencing on CAADP to the African Union (AU)/NEPAD. In CNC Vitumbiko co-chairs the Food Security Technical Working Group. He is a CSO member of the High Level Panel of InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP) where he co-chairs the Gender Working Group with the Government of Canada. Vitumbiko is an experienced climate change negotiator and has supported the Malawi Government Delegation to the UNFCCC to negotiate Agriculture, Climate Finance, adaptation and loss and damage at the UNFCCC since 2012. Vitumbiko is Malawian.