
Joseph Mwangangi

Deputy CEO and Director, Agribusiness Services

Joseph is an Oxford University trained agribusiness development consultant with over 40 years of continuous engagement in supporting rural-based, economic development investments structured as entrepreneur SMEs, Cooperative SMEs, Farmer based SMEs or Shareholder owned SMEs.  Joseph has held senior leadership positions with leading agribusiness development organizations.  As Deputy CEO and Lead Agribusiness Specialist in AFAP, Joseph has oversighted agribusiness development program across Africa in eastern southern and western African.

In the last twelve years, specialized in the Hub-Agro-dealer development model having conceptualized the very first version of the “Hub and Spoke” model as part of the AGMARK/AGRA team in 2010. This has evolved into the Africa-wide Hub agro-dealer model currently adopted as a viable growth model for efficient and sustainable delivery of agricultural inputs to smallholders in Africa.   Joseph has progressively engaged with Hub agro-dealer development to integrate into the model capacity building modules, agro-input trade credit facilitation, risk assessment/monitoring tools and smallholder output aggregation and marketing.