
Margaret Munene

Co-Founder, Palmhouse Dairies Limited

Margaret Munene is an entrepreneur, business leader and philanthropist with over 20 years of experience in Kenya’s Dairy industry. Margaret is the co-founder of Palmhouse Dairies, a milk processing plant based in Githunguri Kenya that processes 5000 liters of milk daily. Palmhouse was set up in 1996 in response to the liberalization of the Kenyan milk sector.

As a philanthropist, Margaret Munene is a founding trustee of the Palmhouse Foundation, a Kenyan education trust that finances the secondary education of needy and deserving students and mentors them through life, to impact positively on society. She is also an active member or Rotary International; Rotary is a global service organization that provides humanitarian services, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and advances goodwill and peace around the world. She has served as a president of the Rotary Club of Karura and is an incoming 2017/18 Assistant Governor for Rotary District 9212, which comprises of Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and South Sudan. Margaret is the Chair of the Board of Trustees of HEART Africa - a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to empowering the people of Africa to survive the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In 2011, Margaret received the ‘Moran of the Order of the Burning Spear (MBS)’ award from the President of Kenya for her service to the community.

Margaret holds a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the University of Nairobi and a Masters in crop protection from Bath University. She is an active member of Ridgeways Baptist Church, lives in Nairobi with her husband and has three grown up children.