
Prof. Garba Hamidu Sharubutu

Executive Secretary, Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria (ARCN), Nigeria

Prof Garba Hamidu Sharubutu is the Chairman of the Central Planning Committee (CPC) of the 2nd Edition of the West and Central Africa Post Harvest Congress and Exhibition. He is a distinguished scholar and specialist in Infectious Diseases of Livestock and Veterinary Legislation. He is the incumbent Executive Secretary of the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria with the responsible to Coordinate, Supervise and Regulate Agricultural research, training and extension in Nigeria through the 18 National Agricultural Research Institutes, 11 Federal Colleges of Agriculture and 4 Federal Universities of Agriculture in the Country. He has vitalize wealth of experience which has been evidence since his youthful age. In 1986/87 he won the Presidential Award as the best Corps Member from Anambra State and a former Provost of Federal College of Agricultural Health and Production, Vom. He was the National President of Nigerian Veterinary and Medical Association and Member of Course 35, 2013 of NIFSS. His experience will be fully utilized to sheer the course of the Congress and Exhibition.